I have been trying a different diet and thought that it might be good to get slightly fitter as well. I started running and it was agony to begin with but over the past seven weeks I have gradually improved.
I have been using The Couch to 5K programme that can be found on the NHS Choices website. I can say that it really works: http://www.nhs.uk/livewell/c25k/Pages/couch-to-5k.aspx
Last night I entered a 5K race and completed it in under 40 minutes.
I helped to raise the profile of the Throat Cancer Foundation http://www.throatcancerfoundation.org
I didn't seek any sponsorship this time as I wanted to know that I could complete the programme but have agreed to send £50 to TCF.
The race was organised by http://www.nice-work.org.uk and the results will be on their website.
So, what has this to do with Making a Difference apart from being healthier, fitter and thinner?